Hello everyone!
The other day I was praying and got the word – significance. I believe that the following will be a help or encouragement to some of you reading this. Something that has significance means that it has importance – it matters. You have a part and are necessary for something to come about. To be significant, you are in the right place at the right time.
Very often, we feel as though we are insignificant. It could be that way with our jobs, or even in our families. We may feel that we live a very mundane life, not making a difference at all. This way of thinking is truly a lie to make you give up. If you were not significant, the devil would not come against you with that thought. No significance – no battles. We all play a significant role in some way or another.
Moms, you have a most significant role, teaching and shaping little lives to become all that God has for them. Wives, you are the support your husband needs – especially on days that do not go so well for him at work. You are part of that “team” that God calls as one. Fathers, you have the important job of being an example of the love of Father God to your children. Husbands, your wife looks to you as the spiritual authority of the household. Those of you who are single, you have the opportunity to touch many lives just going about your daily routines. Those in the workforce have the opportunity to touch lives with a good work ethic, caring about your fellow workers and showing them the love of God. The elderly have the significance of imparting wisdom and experience.
We will never know what kind of difference we have made in someone’s life until we get to heaven. It may be just giving a smile to the hard working individual that sees no hope, or helping an elderly person lift a heavy grocery bag, or taking someone who is all alone out to lunch. It may just be understanding when someone is not in a good mood, instead of reacting negatively. We do not have to do BIG things to be significant. Very often the littlest things we do not even remember doing, make an impression on someone’s life and mean most of all.
One thing I know – that you are very significant to the Lord. He has the very hairs on your head numbered. You have a purpose. He sees you and looks upon you with great pride, for you are His child. You are significant, you are valued, and you are loved by Him!
May this be your year of significance!
Blessings, Evelyn
Vicki says
Very often we do not realize our significance in this world; however, and most importantly, the Lord does. Thanks for your insight and the wonderful reminder that we are significant.
Evelyn Lang says
Thank you Vicki! You are one of those significant people. Sometimes it just takes a word…….
Blessings, Evelyn
Jim says
Thats a good/God word Ev, it remind me of the song Thank You sung by Ray Boltz. \Little things that you have done, sacrafices made, unnoticed on this earth, but in heaven now proclaimed\. We will most certainly be suprised when we each go home to our Creator and we look around to see just how significant those little things that we did for others and how it impacted that persons life.
Evelyn Lang says
Hello Jim
Thank you for your comment. You and Judy will have a lot of people in heaven that will tell you how you have blessed them and how you have touched their lives!
Blessings, Evelyn
Stephanie says
Thanks Evelyn…I have been feeling very insignificant lately…..and you reminded me that these thoughts are not from our Lord….
and He reminded me of an instance in which I was working at this brain injury facitlity…doing administrative stuff (in which I couldn’t understand why I was there, cause the workload was not ‘my level’, I felt the hiring manager didn’t give an honest description of the position) Anway, here and there I would talk about God with the brain injuried clients. Awesome people…I learned alot from them yes…but the most important and heartfelt comment was from a long-term client. He told me on my last day that I reminded him of how important God is and that he was gonna try to read the Bible again. My heart was soften because that was something I always prayed for, for just one heart to be turned Up!
So we never know….sometimes God shows us and sometime not! I thank Him for showing me that one time!
Evelyn Lang says
So true Stephanie – I think that we will only find out just how many people’s lives we’ve touched when we get to heaven!
Blessings, Evelyn
Walter says
Thanks Evelyn for your wonderful book Lessons I learned from the Lord Each time I read it I am amazed how much it has helped me in my life.
Evelyn Lang says
Thank you Walter!
I know this is God’s purpose for the book – that everyone would experience His love and care for them and to have the freedom and victory in our daily lives that He makes possible.
Blessings, Evelyn