Hello everyone
I was in the grocery store and heard a voice behind me in the aisle. I turned because I thought the lady was saying something to me. But no, she had a cell phone – the kind that fits on your ear – and was talking as she shopped. Then I got in line at the checkout and the lady in front of me was talking on her cell phone as she unpacked her overflowing cart. I noticed she did not acknowledge the gal at the register – I did not see a smile or hear hello, nor a word exchanged. It was as if the checkout gal did not exist.
It seems that technology, even in the past decade, has taken over our lives. What was supposed to free up our time, now controls it. I’m not implying that technology is not a good thing. I can remember several times in the “ancient days”, BC-P (before cell phones), when my husband was driving home from the office in a terrible snow or ice storm and I would have been relieved if he had a cell phone (hands off device of course) to let me know all is well.
Technology has helped us in many ways. I certainly would not want to go back to the days without it. But where is the balance? I wonder if it has taken over our lives and controlling our time so that we do not have the quiet moments just to think, or dream, or spend quality time with our loved ones.
Many times I have noticed, when in a restaurant, a couple dining with one of them on their cell phone. They were not even talking to each other. The other person looked bored and even sad. It was obvious – everyone could hear the conversation even if you really did not want to – that it was not an emergency, just chatting with a friend. Long lengthy chats that lasted through most of the dinner. I wonder if the “significant other” was feeling very significant at that moment.
What happened to paying full attention to the one you are with? We are certainly communicating more, but how much of it is of true value? Are we neglecting precious moments with our loved ones? Are we physically with them, but not placing value on them by giving them our full attention and time? Do we let them know how important they are to us by giving them our full attention?
The big C – communication – is important. Let’s not let it lose it’s value. Let it be used to add significance and show the other person they are important to us. And most of all, let’s make sure that we take the time to have our quiet moments of communication with our Lord, giving Him our full attention. After all, He is the most important C in our lives – Christ Jesus.
Blessings, Evelyn
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