Hello everyone,
Is anyone in a place where you do not know which way to turn and you can’t seem to figure it out? I’ve been there and it just isn’t any fun. Many of you may be in that place right now. We try to give it to the Lord, but we can’t get the situation out of our minds. We eat, sleep and breathe the problem trying to come up with an answer. We can’t seem to get a release from thinking about it until it is a heavy load that we carry around with us.
As I was talking to the Lord about this, He was revealing to me that we must release everything to Him. Of course we know that – but He was showing me that we must release the burdens to Him with our hearts, not our minds – not our flesh, but with our whole heart (spirit).
We do not have to reason it out, nor keep thinking about it. We just have to give it to the Lord with our hearts and trust Him to handle it. We seem to find it easy to trust people’s opinions, why can’t we trust God who created people? Trusting God is how peace comes, for true peace is in the spirit, not the flesh.
The devil tries to work on our souls – our minds and wills – to try to get us to worry and fear. He wants us to “take control” instead of giving that control to the Lord. Most of all, he tries to make us impatient for the answer. We are such a “fast food” society that we expect immediate solutions and answers. Our impatience makes it especially easy for the enemy to suggest that because of the wait, God is not doing anything.
God works out things better than we can imagine. Our finite minds do not always see the best solution. God will work things out in His way and in His timing. God’s word says that His ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts, ours. God can see the end from the beginning, we cannot. We see as through a glass darkly. We cannot see what to do, as He does.
We are told to wait on the Lord. This is easier said than done. We, as people living in this day and age, are not accustomed to waiting, and so we usually will jump to move in any direction hoping it is the right one! However, God says in His word to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. He says to be still and know that He is God.
There have been times when I rushed to make a decision, only to find out later that God had something better in mind. Let’s not get ahead of what God wants to do in our lives. Let’s give Him our burdens with our hearts and not just our minds – and then leave them with Him. Let’s not try to work them out in our minds or feel rushed for the answer. I do not know about you, but I am releasing all to Him with my whole heart……
Blessings, Evelyn
Brad says
In today’s instant everything world I find it so hard to be still, be quiet and be patient. Most days I do well just to get my morning and evening prayer/devotional time in.
Brad says
In today’s instant everything world, I find it so hard to be still, be queit and be patient to discern His will. Most days I do well just to get my morning and evening devotional/prayer time in.
Brad says
In this day and age of instant everything, I have such a hard time being sitll, being quiet and being patient enough to discern His will. Most days, I do well to get in my morning and evening devotional/prayer.
Evelyn Lang says
Hi Brad
Thank you for your persistance in getting through with the comments and thank you for your transparency!