Hello Everyone!
Refrigeration – it’s something we take for granted in this country and don’t think about it very often. After all – it’s just – there. A cold drink or some ice cream is always there when we want it. I hadn’t given it much thought either – until the last year or two. My trusty fridge of 23 years started making funny noises. It got very loud and would make these funny “ticking” noises that would rattle the items inside.
I have to admit that I started thinking about refrigeration a lot at that point. I’m embarrassed to admit that on more than one occasion, when the noise and rattling would be happening too often, I would lay my hands on it and declare that just as the Israelites went through the desert 40 years and nothing wore out, that neither will my refrigerator! I figured that using that time line I had at least another 17 years left to go.
Later on, my prayer became – just let it last until I find a new one. This wasn’t easy as I did not want one with the ice maker in the door. I must be the only person in the world with that request because I found out that most manufacturers don’t make them without it. When this particular refrigerator went on sale over the Memorial Day weekend, I took the plunge and ordered it.
It just so happened that because I wasn’t expecting to do this at that time, my freezer was filled to the brim – and there was a heat wave. I soon found out that some of my neighbors were away, and others had no room in theirs for my food. Yet they were willing to shift things around to give me some space. God always works it out – even at the last minute, and some dear neighbors went above and beyond to store what I had – they even came and got the food for me and then brought it back when the new one was delivered! What kindness! My old refrigerator was still running as it went to refrigerator heaven or wherever they go.
It got me to thinking how so often we take things, people and even the Lord for granted. Just because they are always there. I do hope that I can show kindness to others in their times of need, just as my neighbors did for me. I hope that I remember to always thank God for what He’s done in my life and what He continues to do. I definitely was thanking Him for my neighbors that weekend! In all things – great and small – His hand is upon us. He is there for us at all times, even in the desert times when we can’t feel His Presence. What would we ever do without Him? Let’s always take time to remember His goodness.
In the end, I didn’t even need everyone’s freezer space that offered! Thank you to all my good friends and neighbors who came to the rescue and went the extra mile for me.
Blessings, Evelyn
Rosarie Jean says
How profound but true. We all have the tendency to take the littlest things for granted, whether it is the refrigerator or our love ones. That is why our daily walk with the Lord is so important. Isn’t it awesome that we serve a God, that no matter what is going on in the universe, He finds time for us? What ministered to me is the fact that we are to be thankful for what he has done for us but most importantly, we need to live our lives in His rest, always thankful and serving Him and each other. I have had the opportunity over the last several months to stop and allow myself to trust and rest in Him. I will admit that it has not been easy but like any habit if you do it long enough it will become a part of your lifestyle.
Jhett says
That’s a posting full of inihtsg!
Evelyn says
Dear Rosarie Jean,
Thank you so much for responding. It’s so true – God has been speaking to me a lot about rest lately. Not that we don’t do anything, but that we don’t strive and just trust Him. I agree – it’s not easy, but then we are all a work in progress. Sometimes though, I wish I would progress a little faster!
Blessings, Evelyn
Amelia says
Hi Evelyn,
Thanks for sharing your blog. It is a time to reflect on what things are necessary and what are not. A refrigerator is nessary to keep food from spoiling. A think of how many medicines need to be refidgerated – antibiotics for one. How we are blessed as a nation, to have so many things that make our lives healthy and comfortable.
Yet, we can fill up our lives with things that can distract us from our very purpose. Paul said, “Make it your ambition to lead the quiet life.” Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, you are concerned for many things, but only one thing is necessary.” (To sit at the feet of Jesus!)
We had a garage sale Saturday. So many things we got rid of, because they were no longer necessary. At one time they fulfilled a “need” or “desire”, but now we saw them in a different light. My son asked me to advance his allowance (4 weeks) to buy a PSP (a hand held gaming device) from a neighbor at the garage sale. He really wanted it until I showed him the $37.00 dollars he just made at the sale selling his old toy trains. I told him he could spend his cash if he wanted the PSP. His mind changed immediately when he saw the cash. He said, “I don’t really need a PSP.” It shows us how quickly a “need” or “desire” can change when we hold cash in our hands. We can spend money easily when it is plastic or unseen, and how difficult it is to let go of cash.
We should always pray that we see our “needs” from the Lord’s perspective, because only one thing is needed.
Evelyn says
Dear Amelia,
So true – if we don’t have Jesus, we have nothing. Your son is also learning a good lesson with the garage sale on making choices. It’s a lesson in maturity that sometimes we, as adults, are still learning……..
Blessings, Evelyn