Hello Everyone,
The other day I turned on the radio and heard one of the songs my daughter’s high school band played every year for their Christmas Concert. My daughter played clarinet and had to be at the school a little earlier than the concert started. My son was at college and it seemed every year, the concert would fall on the day of his last final exam and we would be getting him home for Christmas break. My husband would take off from work and drive the four hours to the college, then they would quickly pack and drive the four hours back home, hoping to be in time for the concert. They never missed one – although several times came home just a few minutes before we had to leave.
The song brought back memories of those days. My children are now grown and have busy schedules with their own children. How the years have flown by! Yet I smile when I remember those Christmas’ past and think of all the accomplishments my children have made. They have always been such a blessing to my husband and me.
I think that’s how Jesus looks at us. He must smile as He sees us grow. He must smile as He watches every accomplishment. I believe that the littlest things we do for others touches His heart in ways we never fully know or understand. He must smile as He remembers.
Our hearts are so open to giving at Christmas – not only to our families but to those who may be in need. It’s amazing how all during the year, although we give, our hearts break for the less fortunate more at this time. Why is it that our busy lives and priorities seem to take over during the rest of the year? It’s not that we don’t want to have that Christmas “spirit” all year, but life gets in the way. At Christmas, hearts just seem to think differently and giving to others becomes more important.
I want to make Jesus smile all year. I want to give to Him by blessing others and having that spirit of giving all year long. Because Jesus gave His all for us.
May you remember the wonder of Christmas’ past. May this Christmas be filled with peace and joy. And may the love of Jesus and His light shine brightly from you this Christmas and all throughout the year. Merry Christmas!
Blessings, Evelyn
P.S. My new article for Inner Voice Magazine, “The Sparkle and Sound of Christmas” will be online soon. To read online, go to www.innervoicemag.com and click on Faith, then Reflections, then the title. Other titles are: Listen to His Heartbeat, God’s Love Notes, D0-Overs, End of Your Rope.
pat scherff says
Yes, the Christmas season does bring out our \hearts of flesh\ towards others. Maybe that is another purpose of celebrating Christmas: to stir up our spirit of compassion to take it throughout the year.
Have a blessed Christmas Evelyn!
evelyn says
Dear Pat
Wouldn’t it be great to be a big blessing to others every day of our lives? Even if finances don’t always allow, we can help in some other way – encouragement, lending a helping hand, etc. That’s my wish for the New Year.
Blessings, Evelyn