I pray that everyone had a very wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. There is nothing better than being able to put the daily stresses aside and take some time to be with those we love. It is a time to reflect on the many blessings God has given us. Even though these are difficult times for some of us, we are blessed more than many others. When I think of those that are hungry and cold, especially the children, it breaks my heart. When I was a little girl, I used to think I would be able to buy a big enough house for all the orphans and poor children in the world. I know now that it takes all of us to do whatever we can to help another.
I was so blessed to spend Thanksgiving with my daughter, son-in-law, and my three granddaughters. We all traveled to my son-in-law’s parent’s home where we celebrated Thanksgiving. We stayed until Friday evening and had the best time. The food was delicious – and lots of it. We talked until midnight and watched movies and played monopoly.
There are those people that God’s love just shines from them. Rich’s parents are those people. From the moment we met, my husband and I knew that our daughter would have loving in-laws. That is one of the most wonderful gifts any parent can have for their child.
My husband Bill used to sing a little song he learned in Sunday school, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine….” Helen and Paul have that light. I have seen it time and time again in their graciousness and kindness to everyone.
Thank you Helen and Paul – I am thankful that you are in our family.
On the way back to my daughter’s house, we took some time to drive through a Christmas Light display. As if on cue, light snow began to fall as we drove through and listened to Christmas Carols. A perfect time. Thank you Rich, Melissa, Becky, Ally and Julie for a fun Thanksgiving! I love you.
I would love to hear any readers comments on your Thanksgiving traditions.
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