Hello Everyone!
This post is a continuation of a previous one titled, “Growing in Strength”. If you haven’t read it, just scroll down to the title.
The Lord usually teaches me when I’m in prayer. A few days ago, He started teaching me more about humility. We should always be a blessing to others – a servant so to speak. After all, didn’t Jesus serve others when He walked on earth? Jesus had a servant’s heart, always doing for others – even washing the disciples’ feet. Just think of it – the Lord of the Universe – washing feet!
To be able to walk humbly is to walk with Him. Yet, we must understand that humility is not weakness – for weakness brings compromise. Humility is knowing that what you accomplish is only done because of the Lord. In turn, humility will produce strength in us to stand strong in Him. For without Jesus, we can do nothing of lasting value.
Stand strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, not our own. Our own power is like a deck of cards – standing one moment, but at the slightest shaking, will come tumbling down. How many times do we think we should do something – and then strive to do it on our own, without asking the Lord? I have at times done exactly this, and nothing turned out the way I thought! Yet when I let the Lord lead, everything turns out better than I expected.
One time, my husband Bill and I were at the supermarket. I needed to reach something on the top shelf, and I asked Bill, being over 6 feet tall, to reach it for me. Instead, he reached his arms around me, and picked me up to reach it! I had to laugh, and the people around us were smiling too. It gave me and the others – a brief moment to stop their tasks and smile. Bill helped me reach it, but not in my own ability.
When the Lord lifts us up, there’s no striving or stress, no worry or fear. When He’s in it, there’s happiness. There’s no compromise.
Walk humbly with Him. Let Him lead, let Him lift you up, be a blessing to others, be His servant. Be strong walking in His humility – and smile.
Blessings, Evelyn
Joan Raebel says
Evelyn says
Dear Joan,
Thanks so much for responding. Your Amen is appreciated and valued.
Blessings, Evelyn
Dawn says
That’s a great “word picture,” your husband’s lifting you so you could reach! I’ll remember that. Shalom from Jerusalem.
Evelyn says
Dear Dawn,
Thank you for responding. I have thought of you often. Shalom to you too!
Blessings, Evelyn
Marlene says
Thanks for the words of wisdom and the great visual of your husband picking you up to get the job done, just as WE get the job done through the Lord’s arms picking us up!
Evelyn says
Dear Marlene,
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I love to hear the feedback as it gives me encouragement to keep posting. Yes it’s so true, the Lord is the one who lifts us up to do great things for Him.
Sherry says
I have kept this blog post up on my computer since you sent it. How freeing it is to know that we can be weak because G-d is strong. How freeing it is that we don’t have to stand strong or accomplish anything by ourselves and through our own efforts, wisdom, strength, etc , but can simply humble ourselves before our Lord and ask for His help. How wonderful that we have a Father who loves His children so much and is willing to help, lift, strengthen, and give all of Himself to us. The image of Bill lifting you in the supermarket is so beautiful and one that so clearly shows the love and way of the Lord. Thank you again for your life-changing words.
Evelyn says
Dear Sherry,
Your response is so beautiful – it expands so nicely on what was written in the blog. Thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts and heart.