Hello Everyone,
Have you ever been traveling to a place that you’re really excited to get to? Maybe it’s that special vacation or assignment that God’s asked you to do. You want to get there so badly and it seems to be that you’re waiting forever for the time to come. You get to the airport and finally board the plane – but there’s a backup on the runway and you’re on hold waiting to take off. Or maybe you’re about to land and are put in a holding pattern, just going in circles and not getting to where you want to be. It can be frustrating, but necessary to go through.
Sometimes the Lord has us in a “holding pattern.” He’s already told us what He wants us to do and we’re so excited and want to get going. However, then He tells us to wait – or we may not hear, but nothing is happening. Waiting can be so hard. Sometimes, even though we are adults, we can be as little children on a trip in the car asking if we’re “there yet” or how long will it be until we get there!
Jesus told the disciples to wait until Holy Spirit comes upon them. What if they just moved forward on their own and didn’t wait? They wouldn’t have had the power, authority or boldness that Jesus knew they needed to bring about His plans for them. They were obedient and waited and prayed with anticipation.
There was an old commercial that had a song, “Anticipation” that I think we all can relate to. In this world of fast and instant everything, we’re not used to waiting. I tend to want everything done yesterday and find that patience can be one of the hardest lessons to master. However, it’s also a surrendering of our will – to His.
Are you in a “holding pattern?” Just relax and enjoy the journey, for if you wait on the Lord, soon you’ll be soaring!
Blessings, Evelyn
Lessons I learned from the Lord is now available as an e-book as well as paperback form from www.cbd.com www.amazon.com and www.barnesandnoble.com
Marlene says
Thanks for your message about waiting on the Lord. It IS very hard to sit and be patient and not “help” God with certain situations, but it’s the only way to go! Like my sister always tells me, “Let Go, Let God”.
Evelyn says
Dear Marlene,
Thank you for responding. I often think that I need to DO something when things aren’t happening fast enough – but I’ve learned – or at least I’m learning – to not try to help God and just to wait for His perfect timing. Timing is everything! Very often when I try to help the Lord, I wind up messing things up and then I have to wait still longer! It’s all a process – but sometimes I have to admit that I do wish the process wouldn’t take so long!!! 🙂
Blessings, Evelyn
Jody Cyphers says
This lesson is something that has been coming up quite a bit in my church group. We are so excited to get somewhere that we forget that the traveling to the final destination is just as, if not more so, important as reaching that final destination. It is during the journey that we gain the skills necessary to do what God desires us to do once we reach the destination. It is unfortunate that often times this time of preparation is overlooked.
Cornelia says
I’ve been loinokg for a post like this forever (and a day)
Evelyn says
Dear Jody
Thank you for responding. It’s so true. We live in such an instant world that we don’t enjoy the ride getting there. I find that I have to work on this as I tend to be a type A personality and want to see results. But what we miss out on when we rush it through can be more important than the actual completion of the journey.
Blessings, Evelyn