Hello Everyone,
I was thinking the other day of when my husband surprised me with a trip to Hawaii for our 20th wedding anniversary. The ocean was so warm, clear and beautiful. I was not familiar with swimming in the ocean as we had a pool and as a child I swam in a river. I was not used to waves! I didn’t know the “rules” when dealing with them.
One day we were in the ocean, and a big wave caught me by surprise. Rule number 1 – never turn your back on the wave! It took me with force right up on the shore. I was covered in sand – my face – everything. From that time on my husband taught me how to deal with waves and how to handle them, but he also held onto my arms with his hands so that I would feel secure. You see, if he just held my hands, I could lose my grip and let go. In holding my arms, it didn’t matter if I didn’t have the strength to stand up to the waves, he still had a firm grip on me. The waves could not pull me away. No more body surfing! I felt safe.
That’s how the Lord holds onto us. Even if our strength becomes weak, he has a firm grip on us and won’t let us go. When the waves of life come crashing down on us, we are comforted, knowing that He’s got us, safe and secure in Him. We may let go – but it doesn’t matter because He’s holding us by the arm and He won’t let go.
Have safe and blessed summer!
Blessings, Evelyn
PS I will be speaking on July 30th from 11 AM – 2 PM in Branchville, NJ for Aglow International in Sussex County. For more information, go to AglowNJNA@gmail.com or call 973-978-7044
Linda Schwarz says
How beautiful! I can picture Bill doing that for you with his great and protective love. That is a truly a picture of the Lord’s amazing love. I needed to read this right now in my life. Thank you, Ev, for always hearing from the Spirit and sharing it with us.
Evelyn says
Dear Linda,
Thank you for being so faithful in responding! This memory is surely one that parallels the Lord and how He takes care of us. We always are safe with His arms holding us.
Blessings, Evelyn
Dawn says
Wonderful word picture! I’ll remember that.
Evelyn says
Thank you Dawn. It was a great memory and a wonderful anniversary. It was such a blessing seeing you a few weeks ago. I hope you are enjoying Lessons I learned from the Lord!
Blessings, Evelyn
Maude Carolan Pych says
That’s beautiful, Evelyn. Thanks for your clear example of God’s protection demonstrated by your tender memory of Bill’s strength keeping you safe.
Bob’s son & family are in Hawaii right now enjoying a vacation on that gorgeous island. I’ve never been there, but can imagine…
Evelyn says
Dear Maude,
Thank you so much for your kind words. It is a beautiful place – like heaven on earth! I’m sure Bob’s son and family are making wonderful memories too.
Blessings, Evelyn
Joanne Smith says
Hi, Ev!
I read your blog while taking a break from my courses. While reading it, I felt like I was on vacation! So many phrases in the Psalms about falling or slipping or being knocked down echo what you described here. What you shared makes God visible in those moments. I truly appreciate your sharing this labor of love so freely and frequently.
Love, Joanne
Evelyn says
Dear Joanne,
It’s such fun to read everyone’s insights as the Lord speaks to them. Thank you for sharing what the Lord showed you about Psalms. Yes the Lord is in everything – but do we see it? I think I sometimes miss seeing so many things, and only realize as I look back. Thank you for having eyes to see the deeper things.
Blessings, Evelyn
Sherry Silk says
I read these words and right from the start I was taken into this beautiful story and picture of G-D’s protective love. I could see it, I could feel it, and I couldn’t help but cry as I knew G-D was speaking this story to me. Yes, it was a love story unfolding, and each word drew me deeper into the gentleman G-D is, how His eye is always upon us, how He teaches us to feel strong and able in new and difficult situations, but in the midst, He is holding us, keeping us, protecting us. We can fail, we can falter, and know that we are safe because His eyes and hand are always upon us.
How precious and beautiful to have had a husband who was the living expression of Jesus’ love , care, and protective nature. Even now, with this story you shared, he is still making an impact and being used by G-D to touch us here on earth.
Thank you Ev for sharing this cherished moment and godly insight.
Evelyn says
Dear Sherry,
Thank you so much for your words – they meant so much to me. Yes I am very blessed and very privileged to be Jesus’ Bride and Bill’s wife. I’m glad this blog spoke to you and lets you know that the Lord has and always will take care of you! He loves you!
Blessings, Evelyn
kathleen Padula says
Hi Ev,
What a beautiful picture of God’s love and strength!
Just the power of the ocean itself reminds me that without Him holding on to me, I’m sunk!
I’m reminded of the wonderful peace I have in knowing that I am forever in “His everlasting arms”!!
Thank you Ev!
Evelyn says
Dear Kath,
Thanks Kath for your insight and input! I love the old hymns and I do remember one about being in His everlasting arms. We have such safety and protection in Him, not to mention how much He loves us!
Blessings, Evelyn