Hello everyone,
One day I saw in my mind’s eye what looked like an open door – yet it was almost like I was looking at it as if you would see the top of the sun coming over the horizon. It was just the top of the door. We are all waiting for a promise or two to come about, me included. The open door, the promise we have been waiting for seems so far away at times, but we see it on the horizon. Sometimes we have faced a mountain right in front of us and that mountain made it hard to see the horizon. We had to get over the mountain to see it fully.
As a child, I can remember those times when driving a long distance with my parents and grandparents, that it seemed as though we would never get there. The wait was especially long when it was somewhere that I couldn’t wait to go. It would seem that I would have to wait such a long time for the day to come – and then the long car ride! I would ask several times – “Are we there yet?”
It was the same traveling with my children when they were young. The question was repeated – are we there yet? We can be so anxious to get there that we don’t take the opportunity to look at the scenery along the way. We don’t take in the adventure of the trip and can miss a lot of good things that we are passing by. (Or maybe passing us by!)
As adults, the wait does not get easier when we know something good has been promised to us. This is nothing new. Remember Abraham? When God promised him a son and it did not happen in his timing, he got impatient and had Ishmael with Sarah’s handmaid, Hagar. Sarah tried to “help” God bring about the promise by telling Abraham to do this.
Sometimes we have to move and sometimes we have to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. If we get ahead of him, it will be for naught. If we could do it on our own, God would not have to give us the promise or His help. Then who would get the glory? It would be we who have done it.
Where will our testimony be? Who will say, Look what the Lord has done? Be still and know that He is God. He hasn’t closed the door just because we still have not seen it come about. We just needed to get over a few mountains first. And as it says in Romans 5:3-5, our trials work patience in us.
Are we saying, “Are we there yet” to the Lord? He must smile as He hears his children say it, knowing that our children say the same to us. He knows that we are trusting our heavenly Father to get us there safely.
Blessings, Evelyn
P.S. Check out www.innervoicemag.com to read my articles. Click on Faith, then Reflections, then the title of article – Just Whistle, God’s Love Notes, End of your Rope, Do-Overs.
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