Hello everyone!
It’s that time of year again – Thanksgiving! Can you believe it’s here already? Maybe it’s my age, however whether we’re prepared or not, the day seems to come faster and faster each year.
It’s the time when families and extended families come together. For some who live a great distance away, it may be one of the few times a year for seeing one another.
With the joy, can also come the stresses of relationships that have been strained over the years. There’s Aunt Fanny, whom nothing pleases or is to her liking. Grouchy Uncle Festus who never seems to smile. Many families hold their breath and “walk on eggs” so as not to say or do the wrong thing, hoping for the “loving feeling” to take over the day. Hurts from years past can hang like a cloud unless they’re dealt with.
Jesus is the answer, for He is a prime example of love and forgiveness.
There are, stages of forgiveness. The first stage is by choice. We make a decision in our minds to forgive out of obedience to the Lord. It says in God’s Word that Peter asked Jesus how many times must he forgive someone. Jesus answered seventy times seven times. (Matthew 18:21-22).
After we make this first choice, then the Lord can work in us to bring us to the final stage – forgiveness in our hearts out of love. Didn’t Jesus do just that on the cross? This final stage is when forgiveness goes from mind to heart. Jesus does what we consider “impossible” and fills our hearts with love for the person. In fact, He fills it to overflowing.
When Jesus gives us a revelation of His love – when He pours love into our hearts – He gives us overflow so that we can’t help but have that love pour out of us to others. Yes, even Grumpy Uncle Festus!
My prayer for everyone who is struggling with past hurts and the upcoming holiday get togethers, is that the Lord will bring you to the love stage of forgiveness so that you will have the best Thanksgiving ever!
Let your light shine brightly for others to see – for His light and love in you are contagious!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Blessings, Evelyn
P.S. As we count our blessings, please remember to pray for those that have lost everything from Hurricane Sandy.
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